


distance learning, primary school pupils, pedagogical interaction, educational process, online platforms.


The article deals with the theoretical and methodological principles of organizing the lessons in primary school in the conditions of distance learning. At the current stage of society development, the changes taking place in the world in general, and in Ukraine in particular, are fundamental and require decisive changes in established life. Therefore, progress in society: computerization, digitalization, increasing the role of information, as well as the outbreak of COVID-19 and finally the war presented two new challenges to education: establishing the educational process during quarantine and other restrictions, as well as finding new forms, methods, means, techniques, technologies of teaching primary school students. Contemporary school students are children whose gadgets play an important role in their lives. Today’s learners are constantly focused on technical devices, various digital entertainments and communications, even their socialization takes place through the Internet. However, many of them have problems with communication in real life; they are shy, withdrawn and often even antisocial. The totality of these challenges requires radical solutions and changes of traditional education forms. The introduction of distance learning became the solution of educational limitations problems, as well as the involvement of students in computerization in a useful and meaningful way. In recent years, distance learning has become a very relevant topic for research and has gained rapid popularity. Some issues related to the definition of the term «distance learning» were investigated by scientists M. Thompson, M. Moore, A. Clark, and D. Keegan, I. Robert, A. Khutorskyi), pedagogical aspects of an open distance environment (O. Andreyev, V. Bespalko, O. Kolomiyets, V. Kukharenko), methodological features of the educational process organization using various distance models (M. Vasylieva, R. Vernydub, V. Serhienko, Yu. Tryus, V. Franchuk, A. Khudiakova). Special attention of scientists (N. Boyko, U. Dudka, I. Zakharova, V. Lohvynenko, O. Mukoviz, O. Tsys) was paid to the problem of organizing independent educational activities of students with the help of distance learning technologies. Currently the problem of organizing the lessons in primary school in the conditions of distance learning is not sufficiently studied. After all, it turned out that neither parents, nor children, nor even teachers were ready to organize the educational activities of primary school pupils in a remote format. Therefore, distance learning is a qualitatively new form of education based on the principles of independent learning, the introduction of modern pedagogical methods, technical means of information transmission as a special type of educational activity, which makes the process of knowledge acquisition flexible, variable, multi-vector, enables learning according to an individual educational trajectory in keeping with personal needs, interests and abilities.


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