


historical novel, work of Sviatomyr Fostun, literary heritage


The publication highlights the particularities of the narrative structure, the reproduction of historical facts and events in S. Fostun’s novel “God Will Judge Us”. The historical novel “God Will Judge Us” is a large-scale canvas that tells about the fate of Ukrainians, their tireless struggle for rights and independence, the just Cossack system, and their unquenchable love for their homeland. The work represents, on the one hand, the historical context of the Ukrainian struggle for their rights, and? on the other hand, it serves as a background for the disclosure of contemporary social problems, issues of national identity and self-awareness. It is emphasised that the Ukrainian historical space is interpreted by the writer to initiate reflection on the past, present and future of Ukraine. It is revealed that one of the defining features of S. Fostun’s work was his interest in the past of his own people and folklore, which, in particular, can be traced in the novel “God Will Judge Us”. Many important events that form the plot are not presented in the novel by direct description, but are reflected through the characters’ perception of these events, often in the form of a retrospective. The function of the image of the mace running through the work as an attribute of Cossack power, a symbol of authority, justice, and determination has been determined. It is emphasized that the used historical facts and personalities, a deep understanding of history allowed S. Fostun to create interesting and convincing material, maintaining a balance between authenticity and artistic freedom. It was found that the study of the historical context of the struggle of Ukrainians for their rights, a new reading of the events of the past contributes to a deeper understanding of the national idea and, at the same time, highlights modern social problems, issues of national identity and self-awareness.


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