


zoolexema, ornitonomen, symbol, phraseological unit, axiological potential, linguistic conceptual framework, motivation


In this article, the authors undertake an exploration into the intricate dynamics of ornithonomies within the English linguistic conceptual framework, delving into the frequency of utilization of bird names and their symbolic significance within English phraseological expressions. The research not only scrutinizes the prevalence of these avian lexical elements but also discerns the underlying factors that contribute to the formation of a distinct national ornithosymbolism. This comprehensive analysis extends to the axiological potential embedded in these ornithonomena, unraveling the motivational forces that drive their integration into the linguistic fabric. By systematically examining the frequency of bird names in phraseological combinations, the study sheds light on the nuanced interplay between language and cultural symbolism. The authors systematically dissect the semantic weight carried by these avian descriptors, discerning their role in shaping the metaphorical richness of English expressions. Furthermore, the exploration extends to the sociocultural factors that influence the development of national ornithosymbolism, elucidating the intricate web of cultural, historical, and environmental elements that contribute to the lexicocultural tapestry. The elucidation of the axiological potential of ornithonomies not only deepens our understanding of linguistic symbolism but also offers insights into the broader cultural values embedded in the English language. Through meticulous analysis, the article contributes to the scholarly discourse on the motivations behind the incorporation of bird names into the linguistic repertoire, unraveling the layers of cultural significance that enrich the linguistic picture of the world in English.


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