recurrence, recursive constructions, syntax, semantics, morphology, phoneticsAbstract
The article offers a detailed analysis of recurrence – a fundamental property of human language, which consists in the ability to embed one language construction into another, creating an almost unlimited number of utterances. The research covers a wide range of aspects, from syntactic structures and semantic content to communicative functions and the evolution of language. In particular, the role of recurrence in the formation of syntactic constructions of varying degrees of complexity, as well as in the creation of multi-layered semantics, which allows expressing the subtlest shades of meaning, is considered in detail. Based on the analysis of a large amount of linguistic data and theoretical concepts, the author proves that recurrence is not just a linguistic technique, but one of the key mechanisms that ensure the infinite expressive power of human language. Recursive processes allow us to create new concepts, express abstract ideas, and communicate complex information. The study demonstrates that recurrence is not just a stylistic tool, but one of the most important tools that ensure the open speech power of the Ukrainian literary language. The results of the study have significant theoretical and practical implications. On the one hand, they contribute to a deeper understanding of the nature of human language and its role in knowing the world. On the other hand, they open new perspectives for the development of effective language learning methods, the creation of intelligent systems for natural language processing, and the development of new theories of consciousness and thinking.
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