tango melody, symbol, immortality, reincarnation, modern Ukrainian prose, Yu. VynnychukAbstract
The article examines the role of the tango melody in the novel “Tango of Death” by Yu. Vynnychuk is a symbol of immortality, which not only reflects the emotional state of the characters but also emphasizes deep philosophical themes related to immortality, memory and reincarnation. The influence of the melody on the emotional depth of the events of the work, the connection between eras, the combination of the past and the present has been revealed. In the novel, tango appears as an aesthetic element and an essential conceptual tool reproducing the relationship between life and death while emphasizing the cyclical nature of time. It is studied how, through a musical motif, the author focuses on the immortality of love, which continues to exist through years and different incarnations of souls, and on memory, which preserves the experience of past lives. The article offers a new look at the philosophical content of the novel, emphasizing the importance of melody to express the eternal themes of human existence: the connection between life and death, the immortality of love, and memories. The motif of reincarnation runs throughout the text, connecting the various storylines and bringing the characters back to the moments they have experienced, the memories returning to the characters with the help of a tango melody. These themes are reinforced by an arcanum treatise by Johann Kalkbrenner, from which the characters learn that special tango notes can awaken memories of past lives. Yu. Vynnychuk conveys this idea through the character's inner thoughts and mystifications. The description of the interaction between people and their past is emphasized by philosophical reflections that true immortality is not in physical existence but in the ability to be reborn through melody and memory.
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