information technologies, multimedia, multimedia technologies, multimedia presentations, test control, educational process.Abstract
The modern world is characterized by the rapid development of information technologies, which affects all spheres of life, including education and training of specialists. Future design professionals must be ready for the challenges of this epochal blending of technology and creativity. This article is devoted to the study of the role of multimedia technologies in the process of formation of pedagogical knowledge of future design specialists. In a world where design becomes not only a branch of the economy, but also an expression of culture and technological progress, the training of future design specialists acquires new requirements and challenges. Modern design requires creativity, technical knowledge, innovative thinking and mastery of modern tools. However, how can you provide the best training in this field? The answer lies in the use of multimedia technologies as a powerful tool for the formation of modern pedagogical knowledge in future design specialists. Multimedia technologies are interactive systems that combine text, images, audio and video, and their impact on the learning process is extremely significant. They help create a favorable learning environment in which students can better acquire information and develop creativity. The article highlights the advantages of using multimedia tools in the educational process, demonstrates their ability to visualize complex concepts and promote greater assimilation of the material. The possibility of creating interactive educational materials that activate learning and promote the creative development of students is also considered. The use of multimedia technologies in the training of future design specialists is a necessary element of modern education. They contribute to more effective learning, development of creativity and preparation of students for modern challenges in the field of design. Multimedia technologies help create a stimulating learning environment in which students can develop their pedagogical and design skills. This approach shows the needs of the modern world and the improvement of the formation of competent specialists ready for creative activity in the field of design.
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