


professional competence, informational and pedagogical competence, teacher of energy disciplines, modern information technologies, educational process.


The article examines the existing experience of using modern information technologies in the educational process, considers the possibilities of their application to increase the professional competence of the teacher of energy disciplines in the conditions of distance education. The method of organizing the professional training of teachers for the effective use of modern information technologies in pedagogical activities is proposed. The range of issues related to the substantiation of requirements for the use of modern information technologies in the educational process, which has a powerful impact on the results and quality of work of the higher education institution, is outlined. An overview of the existing experience of using modern information technologies to improve the professional competence of the teacher of energy disciplines is considered. The professionalism of a modern teacher of energy disciplines in the conditions of distance education consists not only in the knowledge of his subject and the methodology of its teaching, but also in the need to possess modern information technologies - competence and the desire to possess information culture. Attention is paid to the issue of formation and development of the informational and pedagogical competence of the teacher of energy disciplines. The informational and pedagogical competence of a teacher of energy disciplines is defined as his readiness and ability to independently use MIT in pedagogical activities to solve a wide range of educational tasks and to design ways of improving qualifications in this field. In the new conditions, the professional career of any teacher depends on how well he is able to find and receive, perceive and use new information in the educational process in the conditions of distance education in a timely manner. And for this, a modern teacher must develop the ability to manage the educational process and self-evaluate the information received. It is also considered how the use of modern information technologies facilitates the activities of the teacher of energy disciplines in conducting classes. Possibilities of using modern information technologies at all stages of conducting modern classes in the conditions of distance education.


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