


method of literature, interpretation, M. Kotsiubynskyi, novel, expressionism, impressionism.


In the research, one of the many possible options for the interpretation of the iconic work of the classic of Ukrainian impressionist literature – the short story «Intermezzo» by Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi is proposed. The researcher noted that the novel is based on three systems: «man and society», «man and nature», «man and man» according to the architecture of the work, it is divided into three parts. The first and third are characterized by monolithicity, the second by fragmentation (among the numerous images of the field: wheat, oats, flax, buckwheat, cornflowers, lark, cuckoo, etc., the central place is occupied by the image of the Sun). Like the form of a symphony or sonata in «Intermezzo», the first and third movements contrast with the second. The tempo of M. Kotsiubynskyi’s novel is also related to these musical genres: by its character, the extreme parts are close to allegro (fast), the central part – to adagio (slow). The first and third parts of the novel depict a person’s relationship with other characters. By their nature, they are energy-consuming, but the break in this communication, which the hero spent in the bosom of nature, connected him to energy resources, changed the problematic state to a desirable one, prepared him for further relations. It was observed that the episodes of the work differ stylistically: the nature of the first and third parts is expressionistic, the second – impressionistic. Crisis life situations, stress, destructive nature of communication with other people brought the character of the novel to the brink of mental disorder. His psychological state is close to the experiences of the person from E. Munk’s painting «The Scream» (an iconic work for expressionism). Instead, the hero M. Kotsiubynskyi’s stay in nature brought positive changes, helped overcome psychotrauma, and restored inner peace. Visual, auditory, and tactile images of an impressionistic landscape create a harmonious image of the world. He has a healing effect on the character of the novel «Intermezzo», revives him, forming a mood of mental balance. The paper analyzes the problem of a person’s relationship with other people and the natural environment raised by the writer-psychologist: the destructive influence of destructive social factors on the inner state of the individual and the regenerating effect of the natural environment.


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