


education process, education during wartime, distance learning, online resources, psychological support.


The article describes the principles and methods of organizing education for learners in the conditions of a state of war in a general secondary education institution. The authors emphasize that in the context of wartime, the question of organizing education may become problematic. Some educators may face difficulties in such conditions, so it is extremely important to have means to ensure the continuity of the educational process, where digital technologies can be a key aspect in this process. The significance of the psychological component in teaching through gadgets and services is emphasized, as they can influence the emotional state of students. Examples of models combining synchronous and asynchronous learning using free online services for distance education are provided. The experience of teachers from the First May Lyceum No. 4 is presented, where educators share their expertise in implementing digital technologies during distance learning in the conditions of a state of war. The effectiveness of such a model of organizing the educational process was confirmed by anonymous surveys, the results of which demonstrated that the current state of education in wartime requires clear, timely decisions, accessible explanations, the development of new regulatory and legislative acts, and adaptation to changing learning conditions, including the protection of the rights of participants in the educational process, both in Ukraine and abroad. Exercises such as «Connecting Children: Effective Integration», «Truth or Lie», «It's About Me», «Compliments», «Hunt», «Pantomime» and «Funny Greeting» are presented, which aim to focus education on psychological support, communication, and distraction of children's attention. Recommendations are provided to use lessons aimed at reviewing material, avoiding issuing negative grades and excessive homework; refraining from introducing new topics initially; demonstrating understanding and patience towards students' distractions; openly discussing the feelings and emotions of children in this crucial period; and emphasizing the hygienic use of gadgets. Guidelines for organizing the educational process are developed, including adherence to adequate educational loads and emphasis on reviewing material to restore the brain's capacity for perceiving loads. It is also taken into account that after emotional experiences, cognitive processes may be complicated, so it is important to create situations of success and positive motivation, taking care of a light atmosphere. Additionally, guidelines for lesson components are developed, which include establishing an emotional connection, discussing dreams about the future, reviewing material, breathing exercises and physical movements, cognitive part, interactive activities, discussion, and games.


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