


martial law, blended learning, distance learning, «Flipped Classroom» methodology, «Flipped Learning» methodology.


The present requires new approaches to learning. Due to the martial law, many educational institutions provide distance or blended learning. The organization of the educational process is complicated because of technical problems: lack of electricity or the Internet, availability of technical equipment, etc. In order to motivate studentsbetter, actively engage them in cognitive activities and reduce educational losses due to martial law, it is appropriate to apply the «Flipped classroom» methodology to the educational process. The main purpose of this method is to form an active student involved in the educational process who is able to think, cooperate, ask questions, help, ask for help, discuss, argue, analyse and express their own opinions. The article discusses the theoretical foundations and methodological features of this method, as well as describes the practical experience of using the «Flipped classroom» or «Flipped learning» method. Advantages of the flipped classroom: children come to the class prepared; students have the opportunity to study video materials at a pace that suits them; students have the opportunity to stop at the most difficult for their perception places; students' motivation increases; it is easier for the teacher to monitor students' progress; advanced diagnostic tools appear. The key factors that led to the emergence of the Flipped learning technology are as follows: Passivity of students in the classroom. The role of the teacher (the role of the teacher still occupies a leading position in the learning situation, and consists mainly of the transfer of information, control of knowledge and maintenance of discipline in the classroom. Unfortunately, this is not enough in modern conditions); A lack of individual approach, focus on the «average» student; Use of technologies and ICT tools; The need to increase class time for practical consolidation of knowledge, activation of students' cognitive activity and focus on complex issues; Students who are absent due to illness or extracurricular activities need to catch up on their own. Hence, the flipped model requires a professional teacher to constantly monitor the activities of their students to determine who needs help, what they need help with, and why. Teachers need to be responsive and flexible, and they need to understand that this highly active teaching style requires great pedagogical skill. Although they are less visible, instructors need to be at the top of their game to educate students in a flipped classroom. Consequently, «flipped learning» is a new, modern pedagogical technology based on a different organization of teacher and student activities, unlike the conventional one. The role of students is changing – theoretical preparation for the class is carried out using electronic educational resources, and the process of practical consolidation of the acquired knowledge is going on directly in the classroom, enabling students to become active participants in learning activities, to be independently responsible for the knowledge gained, to seek practical application of the information received, which increases the interest of students in the process of mastering the material and the formation of key competencies.


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