



training of specialists, competence-oriented approach, national traditions in professional education, profiling, specificity of training areas.


In Ukraine, the process of integrating the achievements of other European countries in the field of physical culture and sports into the educational process of higher education institutions continues. Special attention is focused on the training of specialists for this field. The construction of a modern system of professional physical education is based not only on the leading achievements of other countries, but also on the best domestic achievements in the field of physical culture and sports. To ensure a high level of readiness of graduates of physical education institutions, it is important to take into account the current needs of the labor market. It is the needs of the market that dictate the list of competencies that a graduate must possess in order to be competitive. The fullness and variability of educational programs for professional training of future specialists in the field of physical culture and sports should take into account the relevant requirements of the modern labor market, as well as be consistent with the requirements of the national qualifications framework. To build an effective system of higher education in the field of physical culture and sports, it is important to know and understand the process of formation of the national system of professional education and to consider the miscalculations made in previous years. Such an analysis allows building a new powerful educational platform for the training of future specialists in the field of physical culture and sports and avoiding possible mistakes, preserving, and multiplying national traditions and values in this field. The article presents the results of a retrospective analysis of the formation of domestic professional education in the field of physical culture and sports, practical experience, and the authors' point of view regarding the ways of preserving professionalization in education. The basis of training is the chosen sport, the character of the students' educational activity is changing. Preservation of the unity of the educational environment of professional education in the field of physical culture and sports in Ukraine is possible based on the definition of a list of common general professional competencies at the bachelor's (readiness for practical-oriented activity) and master's (readiness for analytical activity based on the integration of physical fields of knowledge) education levels.


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