


training, future teachers of Physical culture, professional training, readiness for professional activity.


Modern innovative changes and entrance Ukraine to the educational European environment provided new requirements to the training of future teachers of the Physical education within the institutions of high education. The main feature of the professional training of the future teacher of physical culture is educational activity aimed at mastering at a high level the learning competencies that are formed during the study of various educational components. Considering the our-days position, the training of future teachers of Physical culture at high school is oriented on the satisfaction of the country’s demands in the qualified professionals who would be able: to be competitive within the market of the educational services, to direct their efforts on the strengthening and saving of the pupils’ health within institutions of the general secondary education. The training of future teachers of physical education in institutions of higher education is a holistic pedagogical system that forms professional competences, enables the mastering of professionally oriented knowledge, abilities, skills, provides practical training, namely the acquisition of practical professional experience and the formation of the student as a future specialist in the field of physical education and sports. The transition from the traditional (subjective object-object) to the innovative (personal-oriented) learning paradigm places fundamentally new requirements for future teachers of physical culture, since only creative, communicative and creative individuals, who are constantly self-cultivating and finding new ideas, aimed at solving educational and educational tasks by using physical exercises, can lead to the renewal of a modern general education school and work with students and The results of the survey of students of the Berdyansk State Pedagogical University are presented.


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