


physical culture and health activities, New Ukrainian school, subjects of free choice.


The scientific article analyzes the regulatory and legal documentation on the organization of physical education in the conditions of the New Ukrainian School, namely: the State Standard of Basic Secondary Education, the Concept of the New Ukrainian School, the Model Curriculum «Physical Culture. 5-6 grades». Analyzing the Model Curriculum «Physical Culture. 5-6 grades», it was determined that the basis of physical culture and health activities in the New Ukrainian School are the activities of the «League of Active Students and Schoolgirls of a Healthy Ukraine». In the course of the research, a questionnaire was conducted among students of higher education in the specialty 014 Secondary Education (Physical Culture) regarding the determination of the current state of preparation for physical culture and health work at the New Ukrainian School. As a result of the survey, it was determined that future physical education teachers feel a lack of knowledge about the content of physical education and health activities in the New Ukrainian School, namely, about the activities that form the basis of the «League of active male and female students of a healthy Ukraine», therefore the process of their preparation for physical education Health activities at the New Ukrainian School need improvement and the search for new effective teaching methods, among which we offer selective disciplines. The article presents the content of the curriculum «Physical Culture in the New Ukrainian School» for students of higher education to freely choose, the purpose of which is to arm students with knowledge about the peculiarities of conducting physical education lessons in general secondary education institutions and the implementation of physical culture and health activities in the conditions of the New Ukrainian School. The main tasks of studying the discipline «Physical Culture in the New Ukrainian School» are the formation of the complex of knowledge, abilities and skills necessary for the implementation of the requirements of the New Ukrainian School in the process of physical education in the students of higher education. The study of the selective educational discipline «Physical Culture in the New Ukrainian School» will contribute to the acquisition of skills and abilities to implement the content of the subject «Physical Culture» for primary and basic secondary school students and to organize physical culture and health activities in the conditions of the New Ukrainian School.


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