youth, conscious parenthood, conditions.Abstract
The article reveals the essence of the problem of the formation of conscious parenthood of young people, namely, the content is presented, the structural components of the mentioned phenomenon are characterized (value orientations of the married couple (family values); parental attitudes and expectations; parental attitudes; parental feelings; parental positions; parental responsibility; family upbringing style). Such aspects of this process are: strengthening of the adult «I» of a young person under the condition of integration; rejection of the parental model of the existence of the family and one's childhood «I» (give yourself the opportunity to grow up); development of a trusting relationship with one's own emotional and behavioral manifestations and the ability to manage them; the influence of personal meanings, value systems on the awareness of possible life scenarios. It is noted that optimization of the content and dynamics of the development of the parental sphere should include the following points: self-awareness as a father; building one's own parental position; a change in the attitude towards the child – from the awareness of oneself and the child as a single system, to the recognition of the child as a separate personality endowed with its own subjectivity; building a communication system with her. It is emphasized that the psychological and pedagogical conditions are the creation of a reflective environment that promotes the development of reflective ability, optimization of the content and dynamics of the development of the parental sphere, a favorable psychological climate in the family for revealing the emotional, intellectual and social potential of the family, taking into account individual and age characteristics of the child, prevention of developmental disorders and deviations in the behavior and daily activities of all family members, taking into account by parents knowledge about their children, their positive and negative sides, the personal example of parents, their authority, the nature of relationships in the family, joint activities, intelligent communication, organization of a modeling environment, because it is in it that it is possible to rethink the means of solving the problem, the opportunity to build one's family on the basis of individual needs and in accordance with the individual direction of development, the use of such methods of education, in which the focus is not on the content, but on the methods of organizing effective activities.
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