correction, children, disorders, musculoskeletal system, swimming, emotional-volitional sphere.Abstract
The article deals with the main directions of correction of emotional and volitional sphere of children of senior preschool and primary school age with disorders of the musculoskeletal system by means of swimming. Emotional and volitional sphere of a child with musculoskeletal disorders has its own peculiarities and requires a specific approach in the correction of disorders and development. It should be noted that the intellectual development of children with musculoskeletal disorders is directly related to the child's ability to experience complex emotions at different age stages. In this regard, it is appropriate to consider the phenomenon of emotions and the human psyche in general. Disorders of the musculoskeletal system is a complex disease of the central nervous system, which leads not only to motor disorders, but also often leads to mental retardation or pathology, speech impairment, emotional and volitional disorders. The use of water environment for correction of emotional and volitional sphere of children can be based on two methodological bases. Firstly, the acquaintance with a relatively new environment (water), being in it, motor and game activities with adults, peers and toys is a kind of return of the child to its primary natural environment both in the phylogenetic sense (evolution of fish, amphibians, reptiles) and in the ontogenetic aspect (the child's presence in the uterus in the amniotic fluid before birth). This process, reinforced by the method of the atricalization (dosed dramatization) of swimming lessons always fills the child with a capacious spectrum of emotions with the dominance of positive ones (satisfaction, joy, pleasure, elation, interest, etc.). Secondly, being in the water, learning to swim involves the systematic overcoming by the child through his volitional manifestations of various psychologically and physically uncomfortable situations for him: the unknown, anxiety, doubts, uncertainty, fears, fatigue, tactile and muscle discomfort, natural physiological reflexes, etc. This will allow the teacher to form the volitional component of the mental development of children of this contingent. The prospects of research in this direction lie in the search for new opportunities to use swimming equipment in the correction of the emotional and volitional sphere of this category of children.
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