social work, mediation, mediator competencies, social work specialist, educational program, development.Abstract
The article defines the relevance of the problem of professional training of social work specialists capable of demonstrating mediation competence. The educational and professional program «Social Mediation» of the specialty 231 Social Work, created taking into account international standards and domestic experience of educational and training centers, providers of educational services in the field of adult education, which provide training in the field of mediation, organizations, unions and other associations of mediators, the State Standard of Social Services of Mediation, the Law of Ukraine «On Mediation», the Mediator's Code of Ethics and other regulatory documents. The purpose and main focus of the educational and professional program «Social Mediation» is revealed. In accordance with the training plan of the future specialist in social work with a focus on the formation of conflict-related competence, the study of a number of educational components from the professional training cycle is provided (social work in the community, theory of social mediation, supervision in social work, etc.). The list of professional competences and learning outcomes, which was formed taking into account the «Basic principles of teaching the basic skills of a mediator», is presented. The principles were developed within the framework of the project «Ensuring the quality of mediation services by standardizing the requirements for training basic mediator skills», implemented by the NGO «National Association of Mediators of Ukraine» with the support of the American people, provided through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). It is noted that the educational and professional program is intended for higher education graduates who are ready to provide assistance in conflict/dispute settlement as a mediator, to help the parties conduct negotiations with an attitude of partnership, joint problem solving, and to promote the healthy well-being of the population.
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