impairment of written speech, retardation of mental development, prevention of impairments, preschool children, speech therapy work, programming, regulation, control, motor functions, cognitive functions.Abstract
This study is devoted to the problem of prevention of written language disorders in preschool children with intellectual disability. Based on the synthesis of previous pedagogical studies, it is known that writing, as higher mental function, is considered to be highly complex system, which involves all components of the structural and functional organization of the brain; it is also known that underdevelopment of any of these components leads to difficulties in the formation of writing abilities. It is determined that underdevelopment or impairment of one of the structural components of writing activity, or the mental functions that complement it, leads to the impairment or underdevelopment of writing activity as a whole; it was identified that in children with an intellectual disability, there is a relationship between a low level of formation of cognitive functions and aspects of independent planning, control and evaluation of outcomes of actions. Based on to the results of a pedagogical experiment, we demonstrated that the insufficient formation of motor control and cognitive skills in preschool children with intellectual disability resulted in these children's inclusion in the dysgraphia's «risk group». We justified the importance of prevention of written language disorders in preschool children with intellectual disability through speech therapy with neuropsychological corrections, which is grounded on the intentional formation of motor (general motor and graphomotor) and cognitive skills, which should positively affect the development of mental functions in preschool children with intellectual disability, and enable them to be better prepared for schooling, including successful acquisition of writing skills.
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