


students of general secondary education, nanotechnology, imagination, physical education.


In the context of the development of physical education, there is a problem of formation of ideas about nanotechnology of students of general secondary education, which requires its thorough research. The methodology of the research includes the analysis of legal documents, psychological and pedagogical literature and scientific research to determine the essential characteristics of the main concepts, such as: «perception», «perception of nanotechnology»,«perception of nanotechnology of students of general secondary education». It was found that representations are divided into two groups depending on the impact on the subject's sense organs and perform signaling, regulatory and tuning functions in its implementation. They begin to function in a problem situation, which can have varying degrees of certainty, helping to predict the consequences of an event, solve complex problems, rationally evaluate circumstances, search for cause-and-effect relationships, and act in an environment with incomplete information. The interpretation of the terms with the prefix «nano-», in particular «nanotechnology», which in the general sense is defined as the influence on matter at the level of individual molecules and atoms, is given. It has been established that nanotechnologies provide an opportunity to create and modify nanomaterials in a controlled manner, as well as to integrate them into fully functioning larger-scale systems. Thus, the main task of nanotechnologies is to obtain nanomaterials with a given structure and properties and their use for a specific purpose. Emphasis is placed on the need for students of general secondary education to realize the role of nanotechnology in science, production and various spheres of human activity, which leads to the activation of imagination as an important cognitive process. The possible ways of forming ideas about nanotechnology among students of general secondary education are highlighted: updating the content of physics regarding the physical properties of nanomaterials and the use of nanodevices; coverage of historical facts that lead to changes in the perception of the physical picture of the world; implementation of a separate course on nanotechnology, etc.


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