


new information technologies, information competence, multimedia presentation, distance education.


The article examines the possibilities of using new information technologies in the professional activity of a subject teacher, with the aim of improving various approaches to learning, focused on the development of the student's intellectual potential in the conditions of distance education. Competence - includes a set of interconnected qualities of a person (knowledge, abilities, skills, methods of activity) that are set in relation to a certain range of subjects and processes and necessary for high-quality productive activity in relation to them. Competence is a person's possession of appropriate competence, which includes his personal attitude towards it and the subject of activity. Competency approach is an approach that focused on the result of education, and the result is not the amount of information learned, but the ability of a person to act in various problem situations. In our work, we focused on the issue of formation and development of informational competence of subject teachers. By the information competence of the subject teacher, we will understand not only the use of various information tools, but also their effective application in pedagogical activities in the conditions of distance education. According to the new regulation on certification, if a teacher does not own a computer, he cannot be certified to the first or higher category. To increase the level of the teacher's information competence, it is recommended to: participate in seminars of various levels regarding the use of new information technologies in educational practice; participate in professional contests, online forums and forums; use a wide range of digital technologies and tools (text editors, image processing programs, presentation preparation programs, electronic spreadsheets) in preparation for lessons, electives, and project activities; ensure the use of Internet resources; form a bank of educational tasks that are performed with the active use of new information technologies; to develop own projects regarding the use of new information technologies in the conditions of distance education. It is also considered how the use of new information technologies facilitates the activity of the teacher in conducting classes. Possibilities of using new information technologies at all stages of conducting a modern lesson in the conditions of distance education.


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