psychological first aid, crisis situation, stress, stressful situation, children, teenagers.Abstract
The concept of «psychological first aid» is revealed. First psychological aid is defined as «a set of general human support measures and practical psychological assistance to people who have been exposed to significant stressors». An important characteristic of psychological first aid is its simplicity. It is emphasized that psychological first aid includes both psychological and social support. Vulnerable groups that need special help in crisis conditions are listed, including children and adolescents. The main principles of providing psychological first aid are considered. Stress factors are described, factors from which people suffer in an extreme situation. Among the disorders of mental processes and signs of providing first psychological aid, the following are highlighted: disorders of cognitive function; disturbance of emotional response; disorganization; loss of ability to control one's behavior; violation of adaptation to the surrounding world; demoralization. Ethical rules for providing psychological first aid, as well as prohibitions in providing it, are considered. The tasks of psychological first aid are determined: to create a sense of security, connection with other people, peace and hope; promote access to social, physical and emotional support; to strengthen faith in the possibility of helping oneself and others. Elements of psychological first aid are listed, as well as four operational principles: prepare, observe, listen and connect. Psychological first aid covers humane, supportive measures to respond to the suffering of a person who may need support. The main features of a specialist, which should be present when communicating with persons who have experienced a stressful situation, are indicated. These are politeness, benevolence, tact, modesty, accuracy and obligation. The peculiarities of psychological communication in the provision of psychological first aid to children and adolescents are indicated. Risks for children and adolescents during the crisis are considered. The algorithm for providing psychological first aid to children and adolescents is described. The need to take care of the mental health of specialists who provide psychological first aid to children and adolescents is emphasized.
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