


educational process, group discussion method, in institutions of professional (vocational and technical) education, computer technologies.


The article describes the method of applying the group discussion method in vocational and technical educational institutions using the example of computer subjects. The modern process of education is analyzed, which involves, among one of the important tasks, a significant expansion of the forms of educational activity of students. Characteristics of teaching methods are given. The theoretical principles of the educational process, which should be built as communication, interaction, exchange of initiatives of its participants – the teacher and students, students among themselves, are highlighted. This is how the educational process is built when using group, interactive (based on interaction) learning methods – discussion, role playing, simulation game. Emphasis is placed on group discussion – the most common method. The main task of the group discussion is revealed – the identification of the existing diversity of viewpoints of the participants on any problem and, if necessary, a comprehensive analysis of each of them using the example of computer topics. It has been proven that organized training and upbringing, carried out within the framework of one or another pedagogical system, has a certain organizational design, which differs from each other in the quantitative coverage of students, the ratio of collective and individual forms of organization of the activities of pupils, the degree of their independence and the specificity of the management of the educational process from the teacher A practical example describes the stages of conducting a discussion class, which helps students develop basic communication skills, develops their thinking and oral speech, and at the same time, they master oratory skills and the skills of evidentiary dispute, and their interest in computer topics increases. The author's development of a plan-summary of a lesson-discussion for vocational and technical educational institutions on the topic «Book and computer in the information society: pros and cons» is offered. This research is not final, so we plan to continue the publications, where we will reveal in more detail the practical aspects of the application of the group discussion method in vocational and technical educational institutions using various examples.


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