project management, software engineering, waterfall.Abstract
The article is related to the problem of training future bachelors in software engineering for project management activities, which is caused by ensuring the quality and reliability of the software product and the insufficient level of preparation of young IT specialists for actual practice. The research method was the issue of theoretical justification of project management in software engineering. Based on the analysis of legal documents, psychological and pedagogical literature, and scientific research, the main concepts of the study were determined, such as: «project» and «project management». Thus, the project is characterized as a completed cycle of productive activity aimed at obtaining an objective new or subjective new result. The presence of uncertainties and the uniqueness of each project require specialists who will be engaged in its management. Emphasis is placed on understanding project management as a process of using knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques in project activities to achieve project requirements. The Waterfall’s methodology project phases were compared with the project phases proposed by the Project Management Institute in its books, based on which some features of project management in the context of software engineering were formed. The component of project management is singled out as «adjustment of project constraints: in a particular budget, resources, risks, delays, quality», which corresponds to the design phase of the project. The main program requirements for high-quality project management in support engineering have been established: understanding of the domain area of the project; knowledge of the programming language, technology stack, processes, and methodologies; project activity skills, characterized by the urgency of execution, concise lines, and quick results; the ability to adjust design constraints.
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