



dentist-surgeon, professional training, military status, psychological stress resistance, maxillofacial area.


The article summarizes the experience of training dentists-surgeons under martial law at the Department of Surgical Dentistry of the I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, who study under the second (master's) level «Dentistry» educational and professional program of higher education, the field of knowledge 22 «Health care», specialty 221 «Dentistry». The organizational conditions for ensuring the adaptation of the entire educational process to the realities of war (transition to asynchronous training, arranging a safe shelter, developing an algorithm for actions during air raids), ways of regulating and stabilizing the emotional state of recruits, and involving them in volunteer activities are revealed. Considerable attention is paid to those changes that affected the work program of the discipline «Surgical Stomatology», in particular the modules «Military Stomatology» and «Maxillofacial Traumatology». In particular, the emphasis is shifted to the preparation of future dentists-surgeons to provide medical assistance to patients with injuries of the maxillofacial area, the peculiarities of the clinical course of such injuries, the basics of diagnosis and therapeutic manipulations, the methods, and means, algorithms of actions for providing emergency care at the site of injury, on various stages of medical evacuation. In addition, the topics are supplemented with questions related to the study and understanding of the psychological state of the wounded and the provision of essential psychological assistance. The specifics of conducting practical classes directly in medical institutions are highlighted. Furthermore, ways of effective interaction between the teacher and the acquirer in the diagnostic and treatment process of outpatient and inpatient patients are shown (perception of the acquirer as an equal partner, interaction with him on a parity basis, recognition of the equality of goals, rights, and obligations about the patient), which is confirmed by the indicators of algorithmic and analytical thinking of the future specialist in the military-medical field, available surgical, therapeutic and deontological skills and abilities.


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