


interactive whiteboard, information technologies, interactive learning tools, multimedia tools, technologies of the educational process.


The article is devoted to the use of interactive technologies by future teachers of primary education in educational institutions. The essence of interactive learning, which is carried out by forms of activity, when all participants of the educational process interact with each other, exchange information, solve problems together, evaluate the actions of participants, is revealed. It was determined that interactive technologies in education have great potential for improving the quality and efficiency of education. The concept of an interactive complex, which includes a computer, special software, a projector and an interactive whiteboard, is considered, and the method of its use is described. But the use of interactive technologies is not limited to the use of interactive complexes. For independent work, students use various interactive programs that allow learning the material in a playful, easy and interesting way. It is clarified that with the help of software training tools that simulate non-computer interactive methods, which include case technologies, role-playing and business games, as well as virtual laboratories, virtual tours, virtual excursions are successfully used in the educational process thanks to the use of modern multimedia tools. The stages of training classes using multimedia equipment are highlighted. It becomes obvious that by using interactive programs in the educational process, the teacher will have the opportunity to implement various teaching methods; significantly reduce the volume of material by using demonstration modeling; use the computer as a simulator; monitor the level of knowledge acquisition; to ensure more effective, controlled and managed independent work; it will be easier to overcome psycho-emotional barriers due to a certain anonymity of contact with the computer. It has been proven that the use of interactive technologies in the educational process of a higher education institution will contribute to the improvement of the quality of methodical training of the future teacher of primary education, the deepening of knowledge, abilities and skills, the increase of motivation and the encouragement of independent search, the expansion of one's horizons and the development of oneself as an individual.


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Широка А. Інтерактивна лекція, або Як перетворити виклад матеріалу на досвід навчання. URL : (дата звернення: 25.10.2022).

