statements, algebra of statements, logical operations on statements, relation of logical sequence based on the algebra of statements, contact diagram, logical laws of the algebra of statements, tautology, rules of derivation based on the algebra of statements, logical analysis of reasoning and judgments.Abstract
The article contains an analysis of individual stages of research on the methodological problem of developing the components of an effective computer-oriented methodological system for teaching the discipline «Mathematical Logic», which is provided for by the educational and professional program of training mathematics teachers in a pedagogical institution of higher education. The methodical and procedural issues of simplifying logical expressions when designing contact circuits in the Derive mathematical software environment are considered. Examples of solving certain typical problems of the mathematical logic course with corresponding computational implementations in the Derive mathematical software environment are given. A brief review of scientific, educational and methodical literature, which is used during the teaching of the course of mathematical logic, was carried out, the expediency of using mathematical software during the development of the content of the specified discipline was substantiated. It is pointed out the extremely important importance of solving the methodological and scientific problem of developing and approving innovation-oriented components of the methodological system of teaching mathematical disciplines, which is an important prerequisite for the professional training of a new generation of modern highly qualified mathematics teachers. Provisions have been formulated on the expediency of developing algorithmic components of formative and final evaluation of the educational activity of students of higher pedagogical education, whose professional training involves mastering the disciplines of the mathematical cycle. Attention is drawn to the expediency of the methodically prepared application of mathematical environments in the process of learning mathematical logic, which contributes to the solution of the problem of the formation of both professional subject and general competences in students, including informational and digital ones. The methodical recommendations presented in the article can be useful to pupils and students for the organization and activation of independent educational activities, teachers of secondary educational institutions, leaders of optional and group work with students, teachers of the mathematical logic course of pedagogical higher educational institutions.
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