research competence, fire safety specialist, research activity, pedagogical condition, evaluation, academic integrity, information technology.Abstract
The authors proves the importance of the formation of research competence of specialists of fire safety institutions of higher education of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine. It is noted that the formation of their readiness for scientific and research activities, which is in a broad sense the task of the presented research, will contribute to the development of pedagogical conditions for the formation of research competence of future rescuers. A theoretical analysis of the interpretation of the concepts «condition» and «pedagogical condition» was carried out. Three classes of pedagogical conditions have been identified that ensure the formation of research competence of future fire safety specialists in professional training, in particular: organizational, psychological-pedagogical and methodical. The essence of the pedagogical conditions of the organizational class is analyzed in detail. They include the following pedagogical conditions: evaluation of the educational space; ensuring academic integrity; creation of information support for scientific research of specialists; ensuring the participation of specialists in conferences, symposia, exhibitions, competitions, etc., the obligation to publish research results. The skin from isolated conditions is comprehensively characterized, namely: the essence of the concept of «evaluation» is revealed, the development of the evaluation movement in the world and in our country is described, the possibilities and prospects of using positive foreign experience in Ukrainian education are visible, the peculiarities of evaluation in the context of conducting a competency-based approach in education and formation of research competence are shown; on the basis of legal acts, the concept of «academic integrity» is revealed and its importance in the education system is substantiated, on the basis of the conducted survey, the insufficient level of academic integrity measures and knowledge about it among students of higher education is shown, theoretical ways of solving this problem are proposed; the important role of information technologies in modern education is substantiated, the advantages of their active use in the educational process and the features of the innovative development of professional education are described; the importance of compliance with the requirements for writing scientific publications is emphasized, attention is drawn to typical errors in the preparation of such materials.
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