


pedagogical tandem, practice-oriented preparing of future primary school teachers, blended education, methodical tasks, partnership pedagogy.


The article reveals the peculiarities of the implementation of a pedagogical tandem in the process of preparation future primary school teachers in the conditions of blended education. This process is presented on the example of the study of the educational component «Methodology of teaching the Ukrainian language in primary school». The transition to a qualitatively new level of building relationships between the participants of the educational process, in particular the provision of pedagogical partnership in the «teacher-student» and «student-student» systems based on dialogue, has been demonstrated. Attention is focused on the direction of the teacher's activity towards the organization and establishment of a pedagogical tandem (activation of the creative and personal potential of future teachers, modeling of practice-oriented situations and learning to solve them with the help of methodical tasks). It is important when studying the discipline «Methodology of teaching the Ukrainian language in primary school» to involve students of higher education in reflective activities (stimulating students to self-determination and formation of a personal «self-concept»; systematic implementation of pedagogical reflection of one's own actions). The author states that there is a change in the functions of the teacher's activity, where the pedagogical tandem becomes a priority in the process of preparation future primary school teachers in the conditions of blended education. Educational interaction is carried out in principle and mainly extraterritorially (that is, at a distance that does not involve a direct pedagogical tandem face-to-face, since the participants are outside the boundaries of possible direct cooperation), and in the case when personal presence in certain educational institutions is not mandatory binding. The article emphasizes that the quality of professional education largely depends on the directions and ways of improving practice-oriented preparation of students of higher education, which is based on a rational synergistic combination of traditional and innovative, in particular, electronic forms of education. Accordingly, teachers should flexibly respond to these challenges and ensure the rights of students to quality education in the conditions of russian aggression.


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