


globalization, internationalization, higher education, university, mobility.


The article deals with the conceptual and categorical apparatus of the definition «higher education internationalization». The international university centres-initiators of the internationalization of higher education are analysed. The essence of the categories of «internationalization of higher education» in the process of integration of international values of education, scientific research, and social services by institutions of higher education in the process of forming a strategy for the development of higher education, focused on the prospects of the development of a modern knowledge society, is clarified. The article substantiates that the internationalization of higher education contributes to the deepening of the processes of political and economic integration, the reduction of military confrontation, the development of global telecommunications systems, the mobility of students and teachers, which is characteristic of European educational programs, bilateral agreements between states on cooperation in the field of education, science and culture, agreements between universities on academic exchanges. The internationalization of higher education is proposed to be considered as a process of integration of the international, intercultural and global dimensions of goals, training, research and service functions of the higher education system; as a process that reveals relations between nations, people, cultures, institutions, systems; as a process of change aimed at meeting the individual needs and interests of each institution of higher education. The authors prove that the main goal of the higher education system at the turn of the century is to prepare graduates for life and work in a global society. The article emphasizes that international and intercultural skills and knowledge, awareness of the need for active interaction with representatives of other cultures and dedication to these actions, the ability to think at the local, national, and global levels are of particular importance in this world.


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