Educational process, military situation, poll, higher education applicants, adaptation, psychological condition.Abstract
The article deals with the problem of studying peculiarities of educational process in the higher educational institution under martial law. The authors define the problem of identifying the peculiarities of educational process under martial law as extremely actual. It is noted that for the students who received higher education during COVID-19 remotely, it will be significantly easier to adaptat to new educational conditions. One of the main drawbacks of distance learning was the merger of higher education students with classmates and teachers. As a result, absence of group processes, difficulty in forming close relationships, and unity. In order to study the psycho-emotional state of the students of the higher educational institutions, as well as the peculiarities of the educational process they observe in connection with the military situation, a survey of students of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University was conducted. The researched students gave an answer as for their own location, assessed their own feeling of secutiry, and dominant emotional experiences, identified their the source of support, analyzed their success and dependence on the military, and identified the main learning difficulties during the war. Special attention was given to psychological condition of respondents. According to the results of the survey, the authors identified a condition aimed at solving the task of adapting the educational process to the conditions of the military situation by selecting appropriate methods that will help minimize traumatic experience. To minimalize the stress threshold, negative emotional and psychological condition and to continue educational process according to educational programs. It was offered to plan all stages of education in new conditions in detail; get acquainted with new organizational moments of the educational applicants; care about the emotional state of all participants of the educational process; take into account the impact of stress on human cognitive abilities; create educational road maps for war-affected; establish the psychological service to help the students and pedagogical workers overcome the impact of traumatic events on psychological conditions, etc.
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