


therapeutic physical education, primary school age, functional postural disorders, round back, lateral curvature of the spine, general educational institutions, therapeutic physical education lesson, lesson structure.


In the article "Relevance of implementation of the program "Remedial physical education for children of primary school age with functional postural disorders in the conditions of general educational institutions" the priority of corrective classes in schools for children with postural disorders was researched, revealed and updated. Therapeutic physical education is not only a medical discipline that uses physical education for the purpose of treatment and rehabilitation of students, as well as disease prevention. To increase the effectiveness of exercises, the task of exercise therapy includes the use of pedagogical means of influence: developing confidence in one's abilities, a conscious attitude to classes and the need to actively participate in them. The form of therapeutic physical culture is the organizational form in which the means of therapeutic physical culture are used and the methods of exercise therapy are carried out. The methods of physical therapy are actually the tasks of physical therapy. The name of the exercise therapy method indicates the disease or pathological condition in which this method is used. Means of exercise therapy are active therapeutic factors, such as gymnastic exercises, physical exercises in water, walking, classes on simulators, etc. The article also examines the theoretical issues of training physical education teachers for the implementation of the program "Remedial physical education for children of primary school age with functional postural disorders in the conditions of general educational institutions", reveals the age-related anatomical and physiological features of the development of younger schoolchildren, the main causes of functional postural disorders in younger students schoolchildren in the conditions of general educational institutions and at home, the tasks of the program, the prospects for the formation of knowledge, abilities, skills and competences in the process of studying the program are described.


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