preschool children, pedagogical conditions, information retrieval skills.Abstract
The article deals with the peculiarities of forming preschool children's information search skills. The purpose of the article is to theoretically define, scientifically substantiate and experimentally test the effectiveness of pedagogical conditions for the formation of preschool children's information search skills. It has been established that the problem of forming preschool children's information search skills is relevant in the pedagogical theory and practice of preschool education institutions and requires theoretical understanding. The paper clarifies the content of the concept of «information retrieval skills», which we consider to be the abilities of children to act on the basis of knowledge and experience aimed at finding, assimilating and further using information. In accordance with the purpose and objectives of the ascertaining experiment, in order to study the level of preschool children's information search skills, indicators for assessing the formation of preschool children's information search skills were identified. In accordance with the indicators, a methodology for diagnosing the formation of preschool children's information retrieval skills was developed. The levels of preschool children's information search skills were determined: high, medium, low. It has been proved that the development of preschool children's information retrieval skills will be effective if the following pedagogical conditions are implemented: development and implementation of a set of search tasks that ensure effective mastering by preschool children of the ways and means of working with information, taking into account the specifics of its sources and stages of search activity (awareness of the problem, identification of the source, perception of information, storage and use of information); stimulating the interest of preschool children to search for information using various sources; creating an emotionally comfortable environment in the process of working with information for effective interpersonal communication of preschool children. A methodology for developing preschool children's information search skills was developed and tested. The stages of formation of preschool children's information search skills are developed: motivational, informational and educational, effective and developmental. The effectiveness of pedagogical conditions and methods of forming preschool children's information retrieval skills has been experimentally confirmed.
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