fairy-tale therapy, psychocorrection, psychotherapeutic method, mental state, functions of fairy-tale therapy, types of fairy-tale therapy, health technology.Abstract
The article presents the essential characteristics of fairy-tale therapy, analyzes the views of well-known psychiatrists, psychologists, and teachers on the importance of using fairy-tale therapy in working with preschool children. The psychotherapeutic effect of fairy-tale therapy on the mental state of preschool children is revealed. Various principles of fairy-tale therapy are defined. It has been established that the following are the important principles of fairy-tale therapy: symbolism of speech, mental mechanisms, psychological safety, emotional expressiveness, development of creativity and imagination, overcoming difficulties. The mechanisms of influence of fairy tales, various aspects of the scientific substantiation of its importance are revealed. Different situations of using fairy-tale therapy are analyzed: overcoming anxiety and fear, development of emotional intelligence, development of social skills, formation of life values, development of critical thinking. The typology of fairy-tales is revealed: fiction fairy tales; psychological tales; didactic tales; psychocorrective tales; psychotherapeutic fairy tales. Various functions of fairy-tale therapy as a psychological method are determined: diagnostic, prognostic, therapeutic, corrective, educational. Various methods and techniques of using fairy-tale therapy in working with children are presented, which contribute to the psychological development and emotional well-being of the child: telling fairy tales, creative tasks, role-playing games, group discussions, therapeutic games, creating fairy-tale books, using the «metaphorical image» method. The method of using fairy-tale therapy is described: individual classes, subgroups, group classes. Attention is drawn to the fact that fairy-tale therapy should be carried out in subgroups, with 8-10 children in a subgroup, but not more than 12 people. It is noted that fairy-tale therapy classes should be held once a week. The time of fairy-tale therapy classes for children of younger, middle and older groups is indicated. Examples of folk and author's tales are given.
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