future specialists of preschool education, readiness, LEGO-pedagogy, special course.Abstract
The article is devoted to the issue of future preschool teachers’ readiness forming to the professional activity. The authors of the article emphasize the relevance of the issue, which is outlined in such state documents as the Laws of Ukraine «On Education», «On Preschool Education», Basic Component of Preschool Education, etc. As one of the means of future preschool teachers’ readiness forming for professional activity, the authors of the article consider LEGO-pedagogy, and specifically, the special course «Pedagogy of Game in Preschool Educational Institutions», which was first implemented in the educational process at the Faculty of Preschool Education at O. Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University. For a better understanding of the investigated issue, the article carries out a definitive analysis of the problem of forming the readiness of future preschool teachers for professional activity, and also specifies the meaning of such concepts as «readiness», «readiness for activity», «readiness for professional activity», «professional readiness of a student». The article tells about how the cooperation of the Pedagogical University with The LEGO Foundation was started; the contradictions that led to the urgency of implementing a special course at the faculty are outlined; the authors give examples of topics of meetings and homework that were offered to students. The emphasis of the special course, according to the authors of the article, is the new role of the preschool teacher in the educational space of preschool, and the special course «Pedagogy of Game in Preschool Educational Institutions» is designed to promote the formation of a preschool teacher. who focuses on the process, not on the final result, and is ready for life-long learning for the purpose of professional improvement and creative self-realization. Prospects for further research include further cooperation with The LEGO Foundation in the direction of training future specialists in preschool education and participation in a joint project.
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