acmeology, support, influence, coaching, coaching session, self-actualization.Abstract
The article is devoted to the issues of coach accompaniment as an effective means of acmeological influence in the training of future teachers of preschool education institutions. The reorientation of the content of education from the presence of theoretical knowledge in a certain field to the formed competences, from hard skills to soft skills, is primarily due to the requirements of the time, the needs of society, and future prospects. Undoubtedly, for such changes, means, teaching tools, methods and methods of interaction with higher education students need to be revised. The need for acmeological influence in the conditions of distance learning in a higher education institution, which will ensure the growth of pedagogical professionalism, has been updated. The vision of acmeology and science in the theory and practice of Ukrainian researchers, the understanding of the acmeological approach and its use in the process of training future educators of preschool education institutions is revealed. The expediency of applying the principle of subjectivity, which allows you to direct the educational process to the personality of the student of higher education, his self-determination, is substantiated; ensures the transition of subject-subject relations to subject-activity relations. Coaching in education is characterized from the point of view of modern Ukrainian researchers. The author’s vision of coaching as an effective means of acmeological influence – coach accompaniment, as a form of mentoring – is presented. The structure of a coaching session and a diary of self-actualization of professional and communicative culture is proposed, which ensures the regulation of the process of reflection and awareness of new experience as a part of oneself. The sequence of working with the diary is described, its detailed structure is presented. Working with a diary involves self-analysis (identification of problems, shortcomings), performance of seven tasks consisting of two parts (the first – theoretical and practical content, the second – practical exercise). The structure of a remote coaching session is presented, which consists of three stages: start, review/confirmation, and conclusion. Examples of questions for conducting a coaching session are given, illustrated by an example of conducting a coaching session based on the content of one of the tasks of the Diary of self-actualization of professional and communicative culture.
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