readiness, organizational and pedagogical conditions, primary school, teacher.Abstract
The New Ukrainian school needs a new teacher – motivated, responsible and creative, who can become an «agent of change» in the educational space. Having academic freedom, he will prepare his own author's educational programs, choose his own textbooks, methods, strategies, methods and means of learning, diversify the options for organizing the learning space in the classroom using new IT technologies, new multimedia learning tools, updating the laboratory base for studying natural science subjects. mathematical cycle. That is why the process and content of teacher training capable of providing the necessary conditions, means and technologies for teaching students in the context of reforming general secondary education must undergo significant changes. At the article, a choice of organizational and pedagogical minds was framed for the formation of the readiness of the future teachers of the cob school to the design of the primary medium. It has been shown that the organizational and pedagogical mind will play the role of a catalyst for the formation of the readiness of future teachers in the early school to design the initial medium and determine the results, objectively ensuring the possibility of their attainment. On the basis of the analysis of legal documents, modern theory and practice, it was formulated organizational and pedagogical minds and the formation of the readiness of future teachers in the post-primary school to the design of the initial medium, as it appears to be safe positive motivation for education; updating the practical-oriented warehouse disciplines, the cycle of professional and practical training; directing the forms of organization of the lighting process and methods of navigating to the understanding of projective tasks, knowledge of the methods of their achievement and the means of reaching the goal; educated to pedagogical reflection. Visobncheni Organized-Pedagogychi, I am mutual, organically, one and one of the one to forget the fiber of the component of the component of the Maybutovsky schools, and the motivational-anniversary, the digestive, the digestive, the digestive, The prospect of further achievements for this one is directly evident from the expansive model of the formation of the readiness of the future teachers of the cob school to the design of the initial middle school.
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