digital technologies, arts education, educational process, art lessons, educational (methodical) digital technologies, specialized (applied) digital technologies.Abstract
In the period of rapid development of the information society and the spread of modern ways of obtaining educational information by students, the future teacher must quickly respond to today's demands and introduce various digital technologies. The article outlines the range of objectively existing contradictions between society's requirements for general secondary education institutions and the results of students' general arts education. The work aims to highlight various aspects of using digital technologies in art lessons. Their advantages are analyzed under the conditions of methodologically competent and expedient application of forms and methods of education that correspond to the age characteristics of students and provide for their performance of various creative tasks. To solve the goal, the following tasks are defined: to consider the interpretation of the concept of «digital technologies», and to analyze and classify digital technologies in arts education, in particular, those used in art lessons in general secondary education institutions. The classification of digital technologies in art lessons is proposed: educational (methodical) and specialized (applied). The first group includes those used in the educational process and aimed at supporting the professional activity of the art teacher. The authors interpret digital educational technologies as ICT technologies used in various types of education to solve specific educational tasks with the help of digital content. A classification of types of digital educational technologies that can be used in art education to solve certain didactic stages of professional activity by their orientation is proposed. The second group includes digital technologies that help in solving complex specialized tasks and practical problems in the field of art. Didactic conditions for the use of digital technologies in art lessons in general secondary education institutions, as well as their features, are listed. Pupil examples of completed tasks using ThingLink interactive poster creation services and WordArt word cloud in art lessons are given.
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