technical mechanics, professional education, energy, professional competence, technical disciplines.Abstract
The article is devoted to the problem of teaching technical disciplines during the training of specialists in the field of «Professional education. Energy» in pedagogical institutions of higher education. Currently, one of the tasks of the higher pedagogical school is to train a competent, competitive engineer-pedagogue who is able to independently and creatively solve professional tasks. The results of training always and necessarily depend on the conditions of its implementation, which can speed up or slow down progress towards the goal, and provide various opportunities for its implementation. Conditions can change the nature of activity, determine the range of phenomena affecting the duration and efficiency of the process. Therefore, it is important not only to know, but also to be able to create conditions that ensure readiness for transformative activity. Pedagogical conditions, substantiated structural and content components of professional competence are considered in detail in the work. A comparison of the content of «Technical Mechanics» programs in various institutions of higher education was also made, which shows their huge difference from one another. The subject «Technical Mechanics»included courses in theoretical mechanics, resistance of materials, theory of mechanisms and machines, machine parts. For the specialty «Professional education. Energy» in pedagogical institutions of higher education, the discipline «Technical Mechanics» must necessarily contain elements of the theory of structures. Any specialist in the field, for example, «engineering structures», knows that without knowledge of issues of strength and deformation of parts in mechanisms, installations, kinematic laws of motion of their individual parts and mechanisms, it is impossible to understand the engine or any other part of the power machine . An analysis of the disciplines, on the basis of which the professional training of students is built, was carried out. The basis of the theory for almost all technical disciplines taught is the subject «Technical Mechanics», the main tasks of which are the formation of professional competence in future specialists of the energy industry. It is shown that reducing the number of hours in technical mechanics, which is the main theoretical basis for all technical and technological disciplines, leads to problems in mastering these disciplines.
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