


image of preschool education institution, social networks, pedagogical conditions, teacher of preschool education institution, information and communication technologies.


Preschool education institutions are increasingly using social networks to accomplish a variety of tasks, including the creation and promotion of a positive image. It has been observed that the image of a preschool institution is developed gradually. To establish it, one must acquire various technologies, comprehend the principles of forming an educational institution's image, and have a clear understanding of the target audience. This underscores the necessity of defining the pedagogical prerequisites for applying social networks to foster a positive image of a preschool institution. It is noted that pedagogical conditions determine the specific direction of the pedagogical process's development and influence the effectiveness of the pedagogical system's functioning. The current pedagogical conditions for the use of social networks by preschool education institutions in creating a positive image include: the cultivation of a high level of digital and ICT competence among educators, facilitating interaction with parents of students through social networks, and informing the public about the activities of the preschool education institutions on social networks, which includes sharing unique, high-quality, and valuable content. It was noted that the successful professional development of a modern teacher is impossible without the use of modern technical means and information and communication technologies, as well as the readiness to incorporate them into the educational process. Digital and information and communication tools enable the resolution of various administrative and educational tasks, including facilitating communication and information exchange between the educational institution and all stakeholders, such as the public and parents of students. Additionally, digital resources can be used to disseminate valuable educational materials and promote the activities of the educational institution to ensure transparency and create a positive image, particularly through the development of digital content on social networks. An educator with a high level of digital and ICT competence can apply social networks as educational and branding tools. It is emphasized that educators, on the page of the preschool educational institution in the social network, have the opportunity to present plans to parents for working with students, provide links for independent study of various topics, share examples of games and tasks for children's development at home or outdoors, and offer guidance for parents of children who have speech disorders. Additionally, social networks can be used to inform the public about upcoming events and activities planned at the preschool institution. The frequency of parental interaction with the information provided by the educational institution affects the level of parents’ trust to the institution and its pedagogical staff. The interest of a wide range of people who may not have a direct relationship with the educational institution can be generated through the dissemination of unique, high-quality, and useful content, particularly via social networks. Teachers from other preschool educational institutions also can benefit from this information. If this process is consistent, there is a high probability that they will subscribe to the institution's web pages and some of them may even initiate further collaboration.


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