mathematics, extracurricular work of a mathematics teacher, content, tasks, functions of extracurricular work, pedagogical activity, creative abilities.Abstract
The article is devoted to the theoretical aspect of the concept of «extracurricular work» as a component of the professional and pedagogical activity of a mathematics teacher. The content of the concept of «extracurricular work» is analyzed, an analysis of the content of tasks and functions of extracurricular work in mathematics is presented. The importance, necessity and expediency of extracurricular work in mathematics have been clarified. The methodical features of extracurricular work, which must be taken into account by the teacher when organizing and conducting classes with students of general educational institutions for the formation and development of the creative potential of schoolchildren, the development of important abilities and skills of search, research activity, independent acquisition of the necessary knowledge, are highlighted and described. Extracurricular work in mathematics is an important component of the educational process in general and teaching mathematics in particular. A well-organized preparation by the teacher for carrying out such work awakens and develops students' interest in mathematics. Thanks to extracurricular work, schoolchildren learn to independently find non-standard ways of solving mathematical problems. Extracurricular work is an effective tool that stimulates students to seek knowledge, contributes to the fuller satisfaction of their interests, guarantees success and equips them with elements of self-knowledge. Extracurricular work in mathematics allows you to consider issues that go beyond the scope of the official curriculum, which contributes to the formation of mathematical culture in students. This work is very diverse in terms of types and content, has a touch of curiosity, and creates interest in the subject. The specificity of extracurricular work requires appropriate professional and personal qualities of the teacher, an individual style of thinking aimed at creatively searching for original solutions, and developing mathematical abilities of schoolchildren during extracurricular hours. Accordingly, this requires the mathematics teacher to be ready for constant creativity, modeling and designing extracurricular work in the mathematics education system, taking into account the individual characteristics of students, their educational needs, motives, inclinations and interests.
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