personal brand, brand management, design, teacher, scientific and pedagogical workers, higher education institution, advanced training courses.Abstract
The problem of design of teacher’s professional brand of high education institution as a leading factor of influence at his competitiveness in the modern socio and economical and socio and cultural conditions was consider. It was found out that modern interest to forming of personal brand associated with the several of actual objective reasons, in particular: an actualization of problem of increasing of specialists’ competitiveness in the different spheres and expansion of diapason of professional and sectoral segments, the representatives of which are interested in formation of personal brand. The actuality of the theme, which is caused by a demand in the modern society and the market of educational services, which develops rapidly and is that segment of economics, which forms an intellectual potential of nation was defined. Attention is focused on the fact that the transformational changes taking place both in the theory of brand management and in its practical application exacerbate the need for scientific research aimed at creating theoretical and applied approaches to designing the professional brand of a teacher of a higher education institution. The urgent need for purposeful formation of the personal brand of a teacher of a higher education institution is emphasized. The results of the post-completion survey-feedback module (online survey using a google form) were presented, which aimed to clarify organizational issues, the most optimal content and forms of training for further improvement of the «Teacher's Professional Brand» module. It is assumed that the implementation of the «Professional brand of a teacher» module in the framework of the «ArsDOSENDI» training program for pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers of Berdyan State Pedagogical University will help to form the ability to design (develop and promote) the personal brand of a teacher of a higher education institution.
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