digital competence, digitalization, information and communication technologies, social worker, social workers’ professional training.Abstract
The article examines the future social workers’ preparation for the use of digital technologies in professional activities within the study of the education course «Digital technologies in the social sphere». The author characterized a number of international and national documents that have a decisive influence on the adoption of digital technologies in the professional and educational spheres of social work. The content of the government's activities regarding the digital transformation of Ukraine has been revealed. The priority direction of digitalization in the development of communities and the strategy of digital transformation of the social sphere are characterized. It has been studied that the digital transformation of the social sphere will be aimed at the comprehensive automation of the social sphere according to uniform standards, the introduction of electronic services in the sphere of social policy, including the appointment or provision of targeted assistance, benefits, pensions, social services etc. Taking into account the plan of digital transformation of the social sphere, the role of social workers in this process is determined. The need to include components aimed at forming digital competence in the system of future social workers’ professional training is characterized. The professional and educational standards of the specialty 231 Social work were studied, which emphasize the need for the formation of digital competence among future social workers, through their ability to use information and communication technologies in their professional activities. The purpose and objectives of the educational component «Digital technologies in the social sphere» are presented. The main general and special competences formed within the study of the proposed education course are presented. The main content of the educational component is systematized and presented in 6 topics for study. The principle of the «flipped classroom» is characterized, according to which the study of the proposed educational component is built. The main advantages of using the «flipped classroom» during the study of the education course «Digital technologies in the social sphere» have been identified.
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