media education, media competence, critical thinking, higher education, journalism.Abstract
The article emphasizes the need for media education as an integral component of the educational process, the expansion of its theoretical and practical potential, demand in modern society, taking into account the specifics of the information space of Ukraine, especially in times of a full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war. The level of media education research in the West and in Ukraine is described, various definitions of this concept in modern Ukrainian scientific researches are analyzed. The narrow and broad meaning of the term is considered: the component of training of secondary and higher education students in the first case and long-term social and educational activities without age restrictions. Attention is paid to the Concept of the introduction of media education in Ukraine and its implementation in the state in general and in institutions of higher education in particular. Critical thinking is characterized, the development of which is one of the main goals of media education. The statement that representatives of professions directly related to the media, as well as students of higher education majoring in Journalism should be engaged in media education at a professional level, has been presented and substantiated. The latter should develop media competence in a formal educational environment. Additionally, they can deepen existing media skills in the form of informal and informal education. The same applies to representatives of pedagogical professions, i.e., those through whom media education activities are carried out. Successful work in the field of most modern professions is practically unthinkable without developed abilities of continuous self-education throughout life, including media education. The place of the media education component in the process of obtaining professional higher education is determined. It can be integrated with traditional disciplines of the educational and professional program or introduced autonomously (disciplines chosen by students, optional courses, etc.). The stages of media education are characterized, as well as the criteria for the development of media competence of young people: conceptual, sensory, motivational, evaluative, creative.
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