


readiness for school, psychological support, older preschool children, parents, teachers, school psychologist.


The relevance of the issue of providing psychological support for the readiness of older preschool children for school education is determined. Modern research underscores the importance of psychological support in the process of preparing a child for school education. Such support helps identify the needs and capabilities of each child, promotes their successful adaptation to new conditions, and develops key skills for further learning. An analysis of psychological and pedagogical studies related to the readiness of older preschool children for school education is carried out. Psychological readiness of children for school implies the formation of a certain attitude toward learning as a serious and socially significant activity. It encompasses motivation for learning, intellectual and emotional-volitional development of the child. The concept of «psychological support» is defined, along with its purpose and tasks. The main directions of psychological support for the readiness of older preschool children for school education are characterized, including prevention, diagnostics, counseling, developmental work, corrective activities, psychological education, the formation of psychological culture, the development of psychological and pedagogical competence in children, preschool educational institution administration, teachers, and parents, etc. It is determined that providing psychological support for the readiness of older preschool children for school education involves work in three main areas: working with children, interaction with teachers, and collaboration with parents. It is noted that readiness for school education includes general and specific readiness. The psychological aspect of this process is crucial since a child’s internal readiness for the transition to a new social role as a «student» and a new educational environment, the «school», plays a key role in the successful adaptation to school life. The role of the family, teachers, and the child themselves in this process is discussed. It is established that psychological support contributes to preparing the child for school education, helping them adapt to new conditions, find their place in the social environment, and develop key skills necessary for successful school learning. The significance of this process lies in creating a strong foundation for the child’s future success and self-realization within the educational system.


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