adaptation, institution of higher education, first-year student, social adaptation, difficulties in adaptation.Abstract
The article highlights the main results of the study of the issue and problems of adaptation of first-year students to the conditions of study in a higher education institution. Attention is paid to the difficulties that arise during the residence of first-year students in a dormitory. Therefore, they need additional attention and carrying out additional forms of work with them on adaptation to the conditions of study in a higher education institution. The directions of work on solving issues regarding discipline compliance by first-year students in the conditions of a higher education institution are proposed. The results are presented regarding the interest of involvement of first-year students in forms of extracurricular activities. These are forms of self-help, volunteerism, student self-government, involvement in group work, visits to theaters, cinemas, and excursions. In addition, the role of the curator in the process of adaptation of first-year students to the conditions of study at a higher education institution is defined, and the components of the curator's work plan with the academic group are revealed. It was determined that the main goal of the curator's work with first-year students is to create favorable pedagogical conditions for their successful socialization and adaptation. It was noted that the quality of assimilation of knowledge, abilities and skills of the future profession, mastery of the profession is affected by the professional adaptation of the first-year student. Successful adaptation of first-year students depends on the active involvement of all subjects of educational work in this process. The entrant's conscious choice of specialty affects the adaptation process and manifests itself in the presence of positive dynamics in the adaptation process, which, in turn, manifests itself in a decrease in the level of students' experiences, awareness of the problems overcome in the adaptation process, and participation in the public life of the university. In our opinion, the formation of such basic character traits as purposefulness, confidence and determination in students is relevant, which will enable students to better overcome difficulties in learning, communication, finding new acquaintances, and in the future also in professional activities.
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