practice-oriented preparing of future choreography specialists, independent work in the online format, project activity, modern approaches to the organization of independent work.Abstract
The article reveals the peculiarities of the implementation of modern approaches to the organization of independent work of future choreography specialists in the online format, based on the work experience of the teachers of the Berdyan State Pedagogical University. The application of the method of project activity in the disciplines of the professional cycle of student training, as well as such interactive methods as storytelling and scribing, is highlighted. It is noted that the practical-oriented approach, as one of the key types of projects, is characterized by a focus on solving social problems that reflect the interests of each participant or other persons. A research project is a type of independent scientific research that requires a clearly thought-out structure and selection of effective work methods, a defined goal, relevance for all its participants, as well as social significance. The information project is aimed at collecting information about any object or on a certain topic for the purpose of analysis, generalization and representation of information for a wide audience. A creative project assumes a free, sometimes unconventional approach to its implementation and presentation of results, usually does not have a clearly thought-out structure, it develops subject to the interests of project participants. It has been found that the use of the Moodle platform by a higher education institution promotes the activation of the internal potential of each teacher, who seeks and implements new and innovative technologies in his educational activities, which are based on practice-oriented learning of students and emphasize the creation of a comfortable student-centered environment. Also, special importance is attached to the mobility of the applicants, their choice of an individual learning trajectory, the formation of the key competence «learning throughout life» and the ability to independently carry out personal and professional reflection, the desire for self-improvement.
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