testing, movements, fitness, sports, prevention.Abstract
In sports and fitness, the role of training to improve movement is key. Athletes need to show optimal competitive results, people engaged in physical activity need to improve health in various components. Fundamental in the system of physical training of Amateurs and professionals is the exclusion and prevention of injuries. Specially developed tests of functional movements allow to identify limiting factors. The task of testing is to objectively assess the state of the musculoskeletal system for further training strategy associated with the elimination of muscle imbalances and movement correction. The article will give examples of functional movements testing, their interpretation and sets of exercises that correct motor control (the process of nerve impulse transmission from the motor cortex of the brain through the efferent organs to the motor units, which results in coordinated muscle contraction). For an objective assessment of movements, it is important to use methods that will create a starting point for further work. The main purpose of corrective exercises-injury prevention (pre-rehabilitation). When creating complexes corrective exercises it is important to consider the following elements: joint centralization (position, movement, strength), dynamic stability, readiness and speed (reaction) reduction of muscle fiber, conscious and unconscious functional motor patterns. On the basis of the testing Protocol, training complexes are selected on an individual basis. This study presents a strategy for evaluating functional movements (FMS). We have compiled variants of sets of exercises that are recommended to be used as injury prevention and in some cases rehabilitation, after identifying limiting factors. Complexes are made for each exercise.Variants of corrective exercises are used in various sports, as well as in fitness, which proves their practical value. The use of these complexes makes it possible to improve the regional relationship, which, in turn, improves the centering of the joints and the general biomechanics of movements. Our research confirmed that these sets of exercises can be recommended in a wide range of practical sports and fitness activities.
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