self-development, barriers to self-knowledge, future specialist, readiness, self-understanding, self-motivation, self-realization.Abstract
In the article, the main results of the research of relevant issues of discovering barriers of self-knowledge in the process of formation of future specialists` readiness for self-development are disclosed. It is emphasized that barriers of self-understanding encourage understanding, awareness of ideas about oneself and one`s own activity, testify to a high level of self-awareness development that implies the presence of a permanent dialogue of an individual with themselves, observation and self-analysis of their own feelings, deeds, actions. Self-development is based on self-motivation as a direct action of a person on actualization of aspirations and concentration of energy for achieving a goal set. Self-esteem is a lever of awareness of future specialist`s activities. Pedagogical barriers of self-knowledge of a future specialist are justified: the absence of motivation for professional self-development, inadequacy of skills of introspection, no systematicity in searching for mistakes, analysis of results of current work, blocking disclosure of personal interests and values, absence of installation to the achievement of close and far goals, inability to carry out a critical analysis of one's own activity. It is admitted that an issue of self-understanding, one of the most important characteristics of nature of a person, form of mastering reality that means the disclosure of semantic content of activity that contains of barriers of self-knowledge, is coloured with cognitive, creative activity of future specialist. On the basis of gained results the conclusion was made that the self-knowledge of a future specialist, first of all, is a base of awareness by a personality themselves as a self-value, disclosure of aptitudes, cognitive abilities, the actualization of value attitude to the members of a process, search, support and amplifying of levers of the effectiveness of mechanisms of organization of professional activity; secondly, it is a background and stimulus of a desire to self-improvement, a factor of self-realization of a specialist. It enables internal assessment of the educational process and interrelation with a predictable result and further regulation of one`s own behaviour relating to professional tasks. The analysis of the material above gives an opportunity to assume that self-knowledge facilitates the self-development of a specialist. It is noted that an analysis of one`s own activity as a process of professional experience is an instrument of overcoming the existing barriers at work, and stimulus to self-improvement. That is why the development of an ability of a future specialist to overcome and prevent the barriers of self-knowledge is an important condition for determination of the main aspects of the professional activity and complications which appear during the professional preparation. To further areas of research on this issue belongs the study of the evolution of scientific ideas about the formation of professional competencies of future specialists on the basis of individualization of professional preparation.
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