nanotechnologies, professional activity, production process, system approach, nanoengineer.Abstract
The article is devoted to the topical problem of improving the quality of professional training of future specialists in the field of nanomaterials to productive activities, namely the analysis of his professional activities to create nanostructures on the surface of semiconductors. The article analyzes the objects, products, tools, processes, and conditions of professional activity of a specialist in the synthesis of nanostructures on the surface of semiconductors and identifies the properties of the original and synthesized nanomaterial, conditions, technologies, means of their creation. Factors that affect the characteristics of nanostructures during their synthesis (resource, technological), properties of source and synthesized nanomaterials (physical, chemical, biological, morphological, environmental, mechanical, technological, patent law, economic and functional) are described. The most popular methods (chemical, electrochemical etching, lithography) and means of synthesis of nanostructures on the surface of a semiconductor wafer are presented. Based on the generalized structure of the production process, defined the content of the nanoengineer's professional activity on the organization of the nanomaterials production process (identification of correlations between conditions and synthesis results, selection of optimal technological solutions, experimentation, preparation of experimental methods by chemical reactions, synthesis conditions); on the implementation of the technological process (design of future nanomaterial, its manufacture and improvement); on production process management (taking into account the influence of factors on characteristics, resource planning, assessing the correct choice of materials, modes, methods, and regulating the synthesis process by conducting similar studies on other samples, analysis of previously unaccounted factors, adjusting synthesis conditions, resources, eliminating unwanted phenomena).
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