

distance learning, distance-educational competence, students- musicians, information and telecommunication technologies, music education.


The article considers the problem of distance-educational competence formation of music students in higher education pedagogical institutions. The urgency of this problem for higher education is related to the introduction of electronic educational resources, information and communication technologies and the forming of specialists who can effectively use the information and educational environment, distance learning for their own professional development. It is noted that due to the pandemic, which led to forced self-isolation and limited personal contact, higher education institutions took the necessary measures for social distance, which encouraged students to be engaged in professional activities, study and even plan leisure activities without leaving home. This has become a particularly difficult task for students-musicians, adapting practical and individual lessons to the distance education system, taking into account the sound nature of music and the requirements for participants in the learning process to control, first of all, the quality of instrumental and vocal sound. It is found out that to ensure quality conditions for future professionals to acquire professional competencies for further instrumental performance, vocal-choral, conducting or music-pedagogical activities of a trained teacher with relevant competencies in distance learning, information and communication technologies is required. The article highlights such communication channels as social networks, messengers or programs for video communication, which are primarily used by teachers during the implementation of pedagogical activities remotely. With the help of these communication channels, you can organize the learning process in both individual and group formats. Effective information technologies and programs are highlighted, which provide an opportunity to implement practice-oriented learning of a student-musician in a distance form.


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