hackathon, educational process, modern methodologies, application, project-based learning.Abstract
The article examines the features of a hackathon in the light of pedagogical discourse as an integral part of distance learning in conditions of war. It is noted that in the modern world, where the application of innovative technologies has become a common practice, the educational process is no exception, as it requires the continuous integration of modern methodologies. The goal of higher education institutions is to prepare competitive specialists capable of solving complex problems in non-standard situations. Thanks to these hackathons, learners have the opportunity for continuous professional development through creative and scientific self-realization, even in an online mode. The article analyzes the hackathon as a new method of project-based learning, noting that this technique is specifically aimed at developing the necessary soft skills in higher education students, motivating them to actively use information and communication technologies, and fostering teamwork skills. The article analyzes and summarizes the works of scholars dealing with the issues of project-based learning and proposes generalized rules for organizing hackathons, taking into account the requirements for future specialists. The study also proposes conditions for using pedagogical hackathons in the educational process, which enhances the effectiveness of independent learning and the development of skills in learners, necessary for further professional development and acquisition of essential skills in professional activities. The conclusions contain recommendations and advice on organizing the necessary educational conditions for implementing hackathons in the learning process, creating a creative environment that fosters the development of creativity, creative skills, and critical thinking in learners, especially during a state of war, when distance learning becomes the only possible form of education.
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